Frequently asked questions

A collection of questions from our users

1.1 Partnership

1.1.1 What is CDP?

CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts. The world’s economy looks to CDP as the gold standard of environmental reporting with the richest and most comprehensive dataset on corporate and city action

1.1.2 What is the interest of a CDPxBCG partnership?

We have a shared vision for fighting climate change and we believe that our complementary capabilities can make a significant different in that fight. Unifying BCG's cross industry expertise and dynamic tech capacity, with impact demonstrated by CO2 AI, and CDP's gold standard of environmental reporting, we will help building a more sustainable world.

1.1.3 Does CDP share supplier data that they currently have with BCG?

BCG and CO2 AI have access to the same data as all others who engage with CDP. CO2 AI Product Ecosystem will leverage anonymized data to ramp up the artificial intelligence of the platform.

1.2 CO2 AI Product Ecosystem

1.2.1 What is the issue that the platform is trying to solve?

CO2 AI Product Ecosystem will solve problem of sharing product level environmental data in a simple, efficient and secure way. As the supply chain report highlighted, only 2% of suppliers provide this kind of information for some products and many simply do not have the capabilities to do so, let alone do it at scale for all products. Having detailed product level emissions data will allow suppliers and customers to take a focused and action-oriented approach to decarbonization.

1.2.2 How does the platform differentiate itself versus competitors?

The platform is unique in the marketplace as it differentiates itself in three ways: 1) an AI-powered granularity which allows companies to precisely identify emissions hotspots; 2) it is a cross industry platform which caters to everything from consumer products to chemicals; and 3) it builds on CDP’s unrivalled experience and knowledge in environmental reporting and BCG’s leading consulting, climate and tech expertise.

1.2.3 What is the difference between CO2 AI Product Ecosystem and Ecovadis?

Both services are cross-industry solutions that enable to track environmental performance of their suppliers, relying on bespoke questionnaires sent to suppliers and AI.

However, there are 2 key differences between both offerings:

  1. A difference in scope & depth - CO2 AI Product Ecosystem goes deeper into environmental data, whereas Ecovadis covers a wider span of dimensions: CO2 AI Product Ecosystem aims at taking a Lifecycle approach by product vs. an approach by ESG dimension by supplier for Ecovadis.

  2. A difference in value proposition - Suppliers are mandated by customers to input data on CO2 AI Product Ecosystem, whereas they choose to answer Ecovadis questionnaire to benefit from ESG scorecard certification.

Besides, CO2 AI Product Ecosystem relies on CDP expertise. CDP standards of quality are recognized as market-highest by 250 sustainability professionals surveyed in 2020 (CDP data viewed as high quality by 67% of sustainability professionals vs. 32% for Ecovadis).

1.2.4 When will the platform be open for organizations to use?

CO2 AI Product Ecosystem is currently in pilot phase. We expect the platform to be available for a wider group of users in the second half of 2022.

1.2.5 What stage is the platform currently in?

The platform is currently in pilot phase. A first prototype is ready for testing with selected pilots & a minimum viable product (V1) is aimed for later this year.

1.2.6 How is the platform connected with the CDP supply chain program? Does it automatically pull data from CDP emission reporting?

The platform will replace module 4 (LCA module) of the CDP supply chain disclosure cycle. Short-term, it is additive until future developments enable further integration & automation. Nevertheless, we secure consistency by matching requested data.

1.2.7 Is the platform an extension of CO2 AI?

No. CO2 AI Product Ecosystem is a standalone platform and CO2 AI will not be a prerequisite to access it. However, it does leverage the technological capabilities from CO2 AI.

1.2.8 Will CO2 AI features be available for platform users?

No. CO2 AI Product Ecosystem is a standalone platform however, CO2 AI will be available for platform users at a fee.

1.2.9 Why do you need product level data?

Having detailed product level emissions data will allow suppliers and customers to take a focused and action-oriented approach to decarbonization.

1.2.10 Why is supply chain emissions important when the company itself is not the emitter?

In line with all major standard setters such as the GHG Protocol and SBTi, supply chain emissions must be included in the total emissions as they are driven by the demand of the company and therefore, a shared responsibility. Supply chain action is a golden opportunity for companies to actively encourage change and decarbonization. Additionally, emissions affect everyone globally therefore, it is not enough to address your own direct emissions.

1.2.11 Does the platform track company-specific emissions from their suppliers?

In the platform, a given client can request product / service level emission to its suppliers, each input from a supplier is specific.

1.2.12 How does the calculator work on products that contain more than one type of material? Where does the emissions data come from in case e.g. a supplier wants to calculate how much emissions does the production a laptop cause?

Users have the possibility to enter multiple materials into the calculator. Each material will be assigned a “best estimate” emission factor, sourced from trusted emission factor databases (the calculator will find the best proxy based on the material type information provided by user). In the current version, emission data is sourced from publicly available data bases.

1.2.13 Does BCG/CDP use this product and platform for their own measurement?

As CO2 AI Product Ecosystem is in development, it has not been implemented yet but it will be. However, BCG has started implementation of the core CO2 AI product.

1.2.14 Will Product Ecosystem contain an API that companies can use to integrate product-level data directly into their procurement database?

Yes, API integrations are definitely on the platform roadmap. The product team is currently investigating to figure out which are the right APIs to include.

1.2.15 Does CO2 AI Product Ecosystem provide API access to external parties?

We do not have opened yet usage of CO2 AI Product Ecosystem API to external parties.

1.2.16 Is it possible to access underlying data of CO2 AI Product Ecosystem (e.g., average emissions factor per product) without purchasing the platform?

We do not have opened yet usage of CO2 AI Product Ecosystem underlying data to external parties.

1.2.17 What are the type of global scale analytics and modelling that are being applied to this complete data lake repository, and what are the top line inferences that are regularly generated?

In order to protect the intellectual property related to CO2 AI Product Ecosystem, we cannot share screen shots, data analytics, or specific tech background at this time.

1.2.18 At which frequency are suppliers expected to update their data?

Update frequency depends on each customer will. On the platform, customers can visualize the input date of the latest data submitted by their supplier. If they consider it too old, they can request their suppliers to update the data. The platform will be designed to optimize the user experience and facilitate new data upload or data updates

1.2.19 Is the use of the platform opened for non-CO2 AI clients? If it is, what is the scope and type of information non-CO2 AI customers receive from their suppliers?

Pilot selection is confirmed by CO2 AI leadership committee.

The platform to be available for a wider group of users in the second half of 2022, incl. non CO2 AI users.

The scope and type of information received is not impacted by being/non being a CO2 AI client.

1.3 If you are a customer & you want to know more about the pilot program

1.3.1 Why should I participate in the pilot program?

For most companies, curbing internal emissions is widely insufficient to get on track towards net-zero. As scope 3 accounts for a large share of your GHG emissions, reducing them will require you to collaborate with suppliers & engage them on a common path to net zero. Participating in this program will help you build a more sustainable supply chain in 3 distinct ways:

  1. Short-term, it will enable you to engage top suppliers on emissions measurement. Leveraging BCG x CDP sustainability expertise, we will also lay the ground for more accurate & reliable data on your procurement footprint

  2. This pilot will also be an opportunity to discuss emission hotspots with your suppliers, bringing you a few steps ahead in your journey for upstream Scope 3 emission reduction.

  3. Finally, this pilot will also give you the opportunity to share your view on the next generation of our reporting tool, ensuring it is fit to your needs (esp. future version of CDP questionnaire module 4)

1.3.2 As a customer, what is the scope of supplier EF data I can access?

Our CO2 AI Product Ecosystem platform provides you with emission data at product-level. The typical output is cradle-to-gate product carbon footprint (PCF), along with different levels of lifecycle breakdown, depending on suppliers’ data granularity.

For the pilot program, the customer company will obtain the typical output for a few selected products only.

In the target version, the customer company will obtain a de-averaged output:

  • For top product/emission hotspots: PCF at product level, with Life cycle breakdown depending on data granularity

  • For other products: emission footprint at category level (e.g., EF of bottle category vs. EF of 33cl bottle specifically)

1.3.3 If I decide to participate, how long will last the pilot program?

The pilot program has a timespan of approximately 3 months.

1.3.4 What output of the pilot program will I have access to?

You will have access to a PCF value & a Lifecycle-like breakdown for selected products. Lifecycle-like categories are consistent with best-in-class standards and have been designed to ensure the best trade-off between action enablement and industrial secrecy protection.

CO2 AI Product Ecosystem is based on a transparent approach and your supplier will also be asked to share its reporting methodology.

1.3.5 If I decide to participate, what level of resources & time am I expected to dedicate to the pilot program?

If you decide to join the pilot program you will need:

  • One primary lead among your collaborators, with sustainability & procurement expertise, acting as a contact point for the project, expected to dedicate 3h/week to the pilot (inc. preparatory work & meetings)

  • Punctual participation of supplier relationship managers related to the participating suppliers, with a light time investment (typically 2-5 hours by month) – supplier relationship managers may have to onboard suppliers, periodically answer questions, and debrief outputs together with suppliers

1.3.6 What will happen with the data we and our suppliers shared with you at the end of the pilot?

Default situation is that all data shared during the pilot phase will be deleted at the end of the phase. Data can nonetheless be preserved if all parties (the customer company as well as its participating suppliers) agree to this.

1.3.7 Will I be charged a fee to participate in the pilot program?

During the pilot program, the testing access to CO2 AI Product Ecosystem and the punctual support of BCG x CDP team are not associated with any fees.

1.3.8 As a customer, will I be charged a SaaS fee for the Product Ecosystem? (knowing that suppliers would have free access to the platform)

The use of CO2 AI Product Ecosystem is not associated with additional fees, the subscription fee for CO2 AI includes the incorporation of the data from the data sharing platform.

1.3.9 Is there some ways for me to know how reliable is the data submitted by my supplier?

Yes, suppliers will be able to indicate whether their submitted data is verified, and by whom.

Additionally, a confidence rating (high/med/low) will be communicated to the customer:

  • For the pilot version, this confidence rating will be provided by the supplier.

  • In the target version, the confidence score intends to be system-generated. This score should be based on benchmark comparison as well as on other criteria (e.g., methodology, share of primary data, share of audited data, etc.).

CO2 AI Product Ecosystem is based on a transparent approach, and your supplier will also be asked to share its reporting methodology.

1.3.10 What is the added value of using CO2 AI Product Ecosystem given we are already linked to CDP? Will we get some sort of “stamps”?

First, the use of CO2 AI Product Ecosystem is a more user-friendly way, when compared to CDP questionnaire module 4, to increase your data maturity and accuracy, and ultimately your CDP rating.

Additionally, the long-term plan is for CO2 AI Product Ecosystem to replace module 4 of CDP questionnaire, and, by removing the burden associated with this manual step, to enable suppliers data sharing scalability.

1.3.11 Which Scope 3 categories will my suppliers PCF help calculate?

Suppliers PCF data submitted on CO2 AI Product Ecosystem can be used by client company to calculate following upstream scope 3 categories:

  • Category 1 “Purchased goods and services”

  • Category 2 “Capital Goods” for emissions associated with equipment/machinery

  • Category 4 “Upstream transportation and distribution”

1.3.12 Is there a way to directly integrate my suppliers list & associated information (e.g., purchased products) on the platform or will I have to do it manually?

For the pilot version, the process will be manual. The product team is looking into bulk upload (csv) and APIs as upcoming ways to increase user efficiency.

With the API, you will be able to make a secured connection with the platform to systemically upload suppliers list & associated information from your systems and databases.

1.3.13 If we sign up for CO2 AI Product Ecosystem, do we also have to respond to CDP’s questionnaire? When we request data, will this request be in addition to the CDP questionnaire the supplier needs to fill out?

We intend to have the platform replace CDP Supply Chain Questionnaire module 4 by the 2023 disclosure cycle. The rest of the questionnaire should still be filled outside the platform, from the regular Online Response System.

1.3.14 If we can be part of the early adopters, should we provide some form of guarantee that our Tier 1 suppliers will be willing to fill in the platform as well?

As an early adopter, you do not need to provide a guarantee that your suppliers will join the platform. We hope that you will act as an evangelizer for the platform and play an active role in sharing the platform with suppliers and influencing them to join you on the platform. The more suppliers you have on the platform, the most value you and your suppliers will be able to derive from its usage. Suppliers can also use the platform the request PCF from their sub-suppliers, thereby increasing the accuracy of their scope 3 data and in turn yours.

1.4 If you are a supplier & you want to know more about the pilot program

1.4.1 As a supplier, why should I participate in the pilot program?

There is a critical need for companies to collaborate with their value chains on environmental action, especially decarbonization. Product-level data is needed to act on reducing overall carbon footprints and will thus becoming increasingly sought after by your customers. Leveraging CDP x BCG’s support and expertise during the pilot program will help you to take place ahead of the curve & to anticipate customers’ expectations / regulations in 2 distinct ways:

  • Gaining maturity on PCF data to provide more granular, accurate & reliable data to your clients

  • Identifying emissions hotspots to build a competitive and reputational advantage against your peers

1.4.2 If I decide to participate, how long will last the pilot program?

The pilot program will last approximately 3 months.

1.4.3 If I decide to participate, what level of resources & time am I expected to dedicate to the pilot program?

We will need one main contact to drive the pilot program (familiar with PCF or sustainability topics).

Expected workload is ~10h for main point of contact spread over a one quarter period (less than 1h per week on average).

This pilot will be an opportunity to enhance sustainability data quality and reliability, whereas disclosure requirements are becoming increasingly frequent and stringent. The more time you will invest in the pilot program, the more value you will get out of it.

1.4.4 We have absolutely no data regarding our carbon footprint, I don't think we are the right fit for this.

We want to engage suppliers with all maturity levels on PCF reporting. Provided you have an audited estimate of your company level Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon footprint, BCG and CDP can provide you guidance to estimate a few of your products’ PCF (Product Carbon Footprint), so you can gain expertise and progress on your sustainability journey.

1.4.5 I prefer 1x1 data exchange with my customer rather than providing data to a 3rd party platform

The CO2 AI Product Ecosystem platform will only retain data outputs (PCF value & Lifecycle breakdown) to be shared with your requesting customer, and at a future date, with your consent, at an anonymized and aggregated level as part of benchmarks. Customer & supplier provided data is stored in an isolated environment, encrypted at rest and in transit.

Your input data will not be kept by the platform unless you explicitly agree to. In this case, only emission data (CO2 data at company level, CO2 data per kg of product, emission factors) may remain stored on the platform, while your commercially-sensitive data will be deleted. If you choose to use our free emissions calculator, no data entered in the calculator is stored.

Moreover, using the platform will bring to you multiple benefits (refer to the question “Why should I participate to the pilot program”).

1.4.6 During the pilot program, you are requiring a significant amount of data to compute a few products PCF, is this really necessary? Who will see my data? What will you do with this?

Granular data (e.g., procurement information, bill of material, energy consumed, factory and distribution locations, mobilized transport modes) is only requested in case you do not have a PCF value off the shelf. In this case, you can proceed to the computation on your own with the platform self-service calculator.

The customer company will be here to guide you along the process, but the raw data will not go through them and will only be processed in CO2 AI Product Ecosystem secured environment. Only the PCF value & the Lifecycle breakdown (and none of the granular data used for computations) will be shared with the customer company. All other data that was used to compute estimates of PCF/Lifecycle categories will not be shared with the customer company.

Moreover, at the end of the pilot, only the PCF value & the Lifecycle breakdown will be kept by the platform to be included into an aggregated & anonymized benchmark.

BCG and CDP will not keep your input data for the benchmark unless you explicitly agree to. In this case, only emission data (CO2 data at company level, CO2 data per kg of product, emission factor) is collected by the platform & aggregated into the anonymized benchmark, while your commercially-sensitive data will be deleted.

Finally, sharing your data will bring to you multiple benefits (refer to the question “Why should I participate to the pilot program”)

1.4.7 If I decide to participate into the pilot program, what level of data granularity will access my customers, only the purchased product aggregated emissions or a Lifecycle-like granularity (e.g., emissions associated with raw materials, with transportation, etc.)?

Your customer will have access to a PCF value & a Lifecycle-like breakdown for selected products. Lifecycle-like categories are consistent with best-in-class standards (inc. GHG protocol, Pathfinder) and have been designed to ensure the best trade-off between action enablement and industrial secrecy protection.

1.4.8 Will I be charged a SaaS fee for the Product Ecosystem?

The use of platform key features (data sharing & self-service product calculator) is free.

1.4.9 If I receive multiple data requests from different customers for a single product, will I easily be able to “copy-paste” the data from one request to the others?

Yes, this is part of the value proposition of the platform.

In the POC version, as a supplier, you will be able to easily visualize the data you already submitted for a product.

In the target version, as a supplier, you will be able to submit the PCF once and share it with multiple customers.

Last updated