How to request product emissions data from others

Learn how to create and send product carbon emissions requests.

  1. Go to the <Product> tab on your left side navigation

  2. In the Purchased Products tab, click on <Add product>

  3. Enter your main supplier email address or select your supplier already connected to start adding product to your request.

  4. You can either select add manually product(s) (a) or you can use our template and upload multiple product reference to send a bulk request to your supplier (b).

    1. Add single product manually

    You can simply link product(s) manually to your supplier by adding <product name>, <product reference>, <product description>, <unit>. You may also add a comment to provide additional context to your supplier for the product request. Save and send from your "Purchased products" screen.

    1. Add multiple products with existing files

To be able to upload multiple products linked to your supplier, make sure you use our template format. Download the Excel or CSV template to update your file accordingly. Upload your file using our existing formatting to be able to send multiple product emissions requests to your supplier**.**

Once uploaded, save and send them as a bulk request for your supplier to answer.

If any errors in the file, please ensure you are using the right template.

Last updated