How to reply to product emissions requests?

Learn how and why to answer product emissions requests from your customer

Right now, you can only submit emission data if your customer has requested it from you.

To reply to pending request:

  1. Go to Product Ecosystem Home and click on reply in the "Received products requests" section, if active, or go to "Product" tab and click on the "Received product requests" tab, select "Need reply" in the filter status.

  2. Click on reply and start filling the data form following the instructions. Guidance and methodology documents are available to support you as well as the calculator. How to fill the form tips here.

  3. The form autosaves whenever you enter or change information, and you can finish the form over multiple sittings. Once you have started a form, the product will be in in progress status

  4. You can also add team members to help you reviewing the data entered in the form.

  5. Click on submit once the data is ready to be shared to reply to your customers

Tips: be as specific as possible on the methodology and calculation you used in order to get your data approved.

Last updated