What are life cycle stages?

Understand GHG Protocol classification to input data at “Life Cycle level” in CO2 AI Product Ecosystem


Company requesting a PCF on CO2 AI Product Ecosystem

Tier 1 supplier

Company submitting its PCF data on CO2 AI Product Ecosystem

Tier 2 supplier

Company providing the supplier with raw material (or packaging) needed to manufacture the studied product

Life Cycle stages – GHG Protocol classification

Material acquisition & pre-processing

Starts with resources extraction, ends with product components entering production facility of tier 1 supplier. Includes between others:

  • Mining/extraction of material (e.g., natural resources)

  • Cultivation and harvesting of trees or crops

  • Application of fertilizers

  • Pre-processing (processing of material by tier 2 suppliers)

  • Transportation from tier 2 to tier 1 suppliers


Starts with product components entering production facility of tier 1 supplier, ends with finished product exiting production facility. Includes between others:

  • Energy consumed from manufacturing activities

  • Energy consumed from preparation activities (for distribution), e.g., packaging

  • Fugitive emissions from production process (e.g., physical or chemical processing) – Not included in calculator prototype

  • Treatment of waste created during production – Not included in calculator prototype

  • Transport of semi-finished products between manufacturing processes – Not included in calculator prototype

Distribution & storage

Starts with finished product exiting production facility of tier 1 supplier, ends with product entering customer hands. Includes between others:

  • Storage heating or refrigeration – Not included in calculator prototype

  • Transportation from production facility to storage location

  • Transportation between storage locations

  • Transportation from tier 1 supplier to customer

Last updated